Source code for pywick.datasets.UsefulDataset

import as ds

[docs]class UsefulDataset(ds.Dataset): ''' A ```` class with additional useful functions. ''' def __init__(self): self.num_inputs = 1 # these are hardcoded for the fit module to work self.num_targets = 1 # these are hardcoded for the fit module to work
[docs] def getdata(self): """ Data that the Dataset class operates on. Typically iterable/list of tuple(label,target). Note: This is different than simply calling because some datasets are comprised of multiple other datasets! The dataset returned should be the `combined` dataset! :return: iterable - Representation of the entire dataset (combined if necessary from multiple other datasets) """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def getmeta_data(self): """ Additional data to return that might be useful to consumer. Typically a dict. :return: dict(any) """ raise NotImplementedError