Source code for pywick.datasets.data_utils

import fnmatch
import os
import os.path
import random
import warnings

import numpy as np
import tqdm

    from PIL import Image
    warnings.warn('Cant import PIL.. Cant load PIL images')

    '.jpg', '.JPG', '.jpeg', '.JPEG',
    '.png', '.PNG', '.ppm', '.PPM', '.bmp', '.BMP',

[docs]def pil_loader(path, color_space=''): """ Attempts to load a file using PIL with provided ``color_space``. :param path: (string): file to load :param color_space: (string, one of `{rgb, rgba, L, 1, binary}`): Specifies the colorspace to use for PIL loading. If not provided a simple ```` will be performed. :return: PIL image """ try: if color_space.lower() == 'rgb': return'RGB') if color_space.lower() == 'rgba': return'RGBA') elif color_space.lower() == 'l': return'L') elif color_space.lower() in ('1', 'binary'): return'1') else: return except OSError: raise Exception("!!! Could not read path: " + path)
[docs]def pil_loader_rgb(path): """Convenience loader for RGB files (e.g. `.jpg`)""" with open(path, 'rb', 0) as f: return'RGB')
[docs]def pil_loader_bw(path): """Convenience loader for B/W files (e.g. `.png with only one color chanel`)""" with open(path, 'rb', 0) as f: return'L')
[docs]def npy_loader(path, color_space=None): # color space is unused here """Convenience loader for numeric files (e.g. arrays of numbers)""" return np.load(path)
def _process_array_argument(x): if not is_tuple_or_list(x): x = [x] return x def default_file_reader(x): if isinstance(x, str): if x.endswith('.npy'): x = npy_loader(x) else: try: x = pil_loader(x, color_space='RGB') except: raise ValueError('File Format is not supported') #else: #raise ValueError('x should be string, but got %s' % type(x)) return x def is_tuple_or_list(x): return isinstance(x, (tuple,list)) def _process_transform_argument(tform, num_inputs): tform = tform if tform is not None else _pass_through if is_tuple_or_list(tform): if len(tform) != num_inputs: raise Exception('If transform is list, must provide one transform for each input') tform = [t if t is not None else _pass_through for t in tform] else: tform = [tform] * num_inputs return tform def _process_co_transform_argument(tform, num_inputs, num_targets): tform = tform if tform is not None else _multi_arg_pass_through if is_tuple_or_list(tform): if len(tform) != num_inputs: raise Exception('If transform is list, must provide one transform for each input') tform = [t if t is not None else _multi_arg_pass_through for t in tform] else: tform = [tform] * min(num_inputs, num_targets) return tform def _return_first_element_of_list(x): return x[0] def _pass_through(x): return x def _multi_arg_pass_through(*x): return x def _find_classes(dirs): classes = [] for dir_ in dirs: dir_ = os.path.expanduser(dir_) loc_classes = [d for d in os.listdir(dir_) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir_, d))] for cls in loc_classes: if cls not in classes: classes.append(cls) classes.sort() class_to_idx = {classes[i]: i for i in range(len(classes))} return classes, class_to_idx def _is_image_file(filename): return any(filename.endswith(extension) for extension in IMG_EXTENSIONS) def _finds_inputs_and_targets(root, class_mode, class_to_idx=None, input_regex='*', rel_target_root='', target_prefix='', target_postfix='', target_extension='png', splitRatio=1.0, random_seed=None, exclusion_file=None): """ Map a dataset from a root folder. Optionally, split the dataset randomly into two partitions (e.g. train and val) :param root: string\n root dir to scan :param class_mode: string in `{'label', 'image', 'path'}`\n whether to return a label, an image or a path (of the input) as target :param class_to_idx: list\n classes to map to indices :param input_regex: string (default: *)\n regex to apply to scanned input entries :param rel_target_root: string\n relative target root to scan (if any) :param target_prefix: string\n prefix to use (if any) when trying to locate the matching target :param target_postfix: string\n postfix to use (if any) when trying to locate the matching target :param splitRatio: float\n if set to 0.0 < splitRatio < 1.0 the function will return two datasets :param random_seed: int (default: None)\n you can control replicability of the split by explicitly setting the random seed :param exclusion_file: string (default: None)\n list of files (one per line) to exclude when enumerating all files\n The list must contain paths relative to the root parameter\n each line may include the filename and additional comma-separated metadata, in which case the first item will be considered the path itself and the rest will be ignored :return: partition1 (list of (input_, target)), partition2 (list of (input_, target)) """ if class_mode not in ('image', 'label', 'path'): raise ValueError('class_mode must be one of: {label, image, path}') if class_mode == 'image' and rel_target_root == '' and target_prefix == '' and target_postfix == '': raise ValueError('must provide either rel_target_root or a value for target prefix/postfix when class_mode is set to: image') ## Handle exclusion list, if any exclusion_list = set() if exclusion_file: with open(exclusion_file, 'r') as exclfile: for line in exclfile: exclusion_list.add(line.split(',')[0]) trainlist_inputs = [] trainlist_targets = [] vallist_inputs = [] vallist_targets = [] icount = 0 root = os.path.expanduser(root) for subdir in sorted(os.listdir(root)): d = os.path.join(root, subdir) if not os.path.isdir(d): continue for rootz, _, fnames in sorted(os.walk(d)): for fname in fnames: if _is_image_file(fname): if fnmatch.fnmatch(fname, input_regex): icount = icount + 1 # enforce random split if random.random() < splitRatio: inputs = trainlist_inputs targets = trainlist_targets else: inputs = vallist_inputs targets = vallist_targets if not os.path.join(subdir,fname) in exclusion_list: # exclude any undesired files path = os.path.join(rootz, fname) inputs.append(path) if class_mode == 'path': targets.append(path) elif class_mode == 'label': target_name = class_to_idx.get(subdir) if target_name is None: print("WARN WARN: !!! Label " + subdir + " does NOT have a valid mapping to ID! Ignoring...") inputs.pop() # Also remove last entry from inputs else: targets.append(target_name) elif class_mode == 'image': name_vs_ext = fname.rsplit('.', 1) target_fname = os.path.join(root, rel_target_root, subdir, target_prefix + name_vs_ext[0] + target_postfix + '.' + target_extension) if os.path.exists(target_fname): targets.append(target_fname) else: raise ValueError('Could not locate file: ' + target_fname + ' corresponding to input: ' + path) if class_mode is None: return trainlist_inputs, vallist_inputs else: if not (len(trainlist_inputs) == len(trainlist_targets) and len(vallist_inputs) == len(vallist_targets)): raise AssertionError print("Total processed: %i Train-list: %i items Val-list: %i items Exclusion-list: %i items" % (icount, len(trainlist_inputs), len(vallist_inputs), len(exclusion_list))) return list(zip(trainlist_inputs, trainlist_targets)), list(zip(vallist_inputs, vallist_targets))
[docs]def get_dataset_mean_std(data_set, img_size=256, output_div=255.0): """ Computes channel-wise mean and std of the dataset. The process is memory-intensive as the entire dataset must fit into memory. Therefore, each image is scaled down to img_size first (default: 256). Assumptions: 1. dataset uses PIL to read images 2. Images are in RGB format. :param data_set: (pytorch Dataset) :param img_size: (int): scale of images at which to compute mean/std (default: 256) :param output_div: (float `{1.0, 255.0}`): Image values are naturally in 0-255 value range so the returned output is divided by output_div. For example, if output_div = 255.0 then mean/std will be in 0-1 range. :return: (mean, std) as per-channel values ([r,g,b], [r,g,b]) """ total = np.zeros((3, (len(data_set) * img_size * img_size)), dtype=int) position = 0 # keep track of position in the total array for src, _ in tqdm(data_set, ascii=True, desc="Process", unit='images'): src = src.resize((img_size, img_size)) # resize to same size src = np.array(src) # reshape into correct shape src = src.reshape(img_size * img_size, 3) src = src.swapaxes(1,0) # np.concatenate((a, b, c), axis=1) # NOPE NOPE NOPE -- makes a memory re-allocation for every concatenate operation # -- In-place value substitution -- # place = img_size * img_size * position total[0:src.shape[0], place:place+src.shape[1]] = src # copies the src data into the total position at specified index position = position+1 return total.mean(1) / output_div, total.std(1) / output_div # return channel-wise mean for the entire dataset
[docs]def adjust_dset_length(dataset, num_batches: int, num_devices: int, batch_size: int): """ To properly distribute computation across devices (typically GPUs) we need to meet two criteria: 1. batch size on each device must be > 1 2. dataset must be evenly partitioned across devices in specified batches :param dataset: Dataset to trim :param num_batches: Number of batches that dset will be partitioned into :param num_devices: Number of devices dset will be distributed onto :param batch_size: Size of individual batch :return: """ # We need to trim the dataset if it cannot be split evenly among num_devices with batch_size batches. # Formula is: # num_batches = DataLen / (num_devices * batch_size) # remainderLen = DataLen - (num_batches * num_devices * batch_size) # if remainderLen / num_devices < 2 # remove remainderLen items # else if (remainderLen / num_devices) % 2 != 0 # remove remainderLen - ((remainderLen // num_devices) * num_devices) # remainderLen = DataLen - (num_batches * num_devices * batch_size) # if remainderLen / num_devices < 2 # remove remainderLen items remainder_len = len(dataset) - (num_batches * num_devices * batch_size) if remainder_len * 1. / num_devices < 2: num_remove = remainder_len for _ in range(num_remove): last_el = print(f" ==> WARN: Data element removed: {last_el}.") print( f" ==> WARN: Length of training set ({len(dataset)}) did not fit onto num Devices: {num_devices}. Removing {num_remove} data elements to avoid training issues with BatchNorm") print(f"New dataset length is: {len(dataset)}") print('| -------------- |') elif (remainder_len / num_devices) % 2 != 0: num_remove = remainder_len - ((remainder_len // num_devices) * num_devices) for _ in range(num_remove): last_el = print(f" ==> WARN: Data element removed: {last_el}.") print( f" ==> WARN: Length of training set ({len(dataset)}) did not fit onto num Devices: {num_devices}. Removing {num_remove} data elements to avoid training issues with BatchNorm") print(f"New dataset length is: {len(dataset)}") remainder_len = len(dataset) - (num_batches * num_devices * batch_size) if remainder_len * 1. / num_devices < 2: num_remove = remainder_len for _ in range(num_remove): last_el = print(f" ==> WARN: Data element removed: {last_el}.") print( f" ==> WARN: Length of training set ({len(dataset)}) did not fit onto GPUs with len: {num_devices}. Removing {num_remove} data elements to avoid training issues with BatchNorm") print(f"New dataset length is: {len(dataset)}") print('| -------------- |')
if __name__ == "__main__": from pywick.datasets.FolderDataset import FolderDataset dataset = FolderDataset(root='/home/users/youruser/images', class_mode='label', default_loader=pil_loader_rgb) mean, std = get_dataset_mean_std(dataset) print('----- RESULT -----') print('mean: {}'.format(mean)) print('std: {}'.format(std)) print ('----- DONE ------')